This three card 2nd chance simulator has two modes. Select "Strategy Calc" to use the simulator as a strategy calc. The simulator randomly plays hands with the selected 3 cards. The output column lists the EV with standing on those three cards, the EV with getting a replacement hand, the corresponding strategy decision, and the distribution of all possible payouts. Leave "Optimize per Wager" checked to return the strategy decision with the lowest expected loss per unit wagered (smallest loss over a wagering requirement). Uncheck the box to return the strategy decision with the smallest expected loss per hand (standard strategy).
In simulator mode, the card selections designate the highest valued hand for which you take a replacement hand. Unsuited A, K, 2 is the default. The simulator randomly plays hands and reports various stats including the house edge, standard deviation, raise percentage, and return totals for each possible payout. Check "Outputs in Terms of Ante" to return outputs as a fraction of the initial 1-unit ante bet (min payout of -4, max payout of +82). Leave the box unchecked to return outputs as fraction of the full 3x ante initial bet (min payout of -1.33, max payout of 27.33). For more information about the game three card second chance, see the three card 2nd chance page.
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